A few words about the history of ceramics.
Ceramics is the art of making ceramics. The history of clay begins before man. Birds and animals build their nests with clay with a wonderful technique. Plastic is one of the most ancient arts. From prehistoric times people made pottery and clay figurines, and later used clay to build adobe houses. When they learned to use fire, they began to bake their clay to make them durable (5th-6th millennium BC), one of the oldest arts recorded with archaeological finds and characterizing the culture of each era. Wet clay takes the desired shape from human hands and is dried to form a solid form. Later it is baked in a special oven so that it becomes hard and durable and acquires durability over time. The Assyrians, the Babylonians and the Persians discovered the coating of clay with glassy, colorful enamel, significantly improving the quality of ceramics. This technique continued in Islam and in Byzantium. Large centers of pottery are developing all over the civilized world. The creation and decoration of ceramics with mold allowed their mass production. In modern culture, most ceramics are made industrially and so art has lost its old prestige. However, pottery remains to this day, a recognized and respected form of decorative art as most decorative ceramics are made with traditional way by artisans. Today, ceramic artists keep secret the techniques and processes of creating their products to protect their authenticity. Ceramics are divided into ceramics for use and decoration, and are made with wheel presses or specially shaped molds only by hand.
sources: https://www.e-thrapsano.gr/ https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%9A https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%91 http://ebooks.edu.gr/ebooks/v/html/8547/